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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3) Page 9
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Page 9
As for the palace guards, many of them were happy to bend the knee to Edwin’s rule without question. However, the young prince was a little disappointed that a small number refused to do so, claiming they only served the queen. Despite Farley’s insistence that the woman was dead, and had been for at least the past few days, this small group were clearly not going to be easily convinced that indeed was the case.
Edwin was unsure whether this stubbornness on their behalf was actually down to being truly loyal to his grandmother, or whether they were influenced by others, such as Darven for example. Whichever the answer, he knew he could not take a risk with these men, and although he did not want them imprisoned, had little option but to do so, at least until he could be sure they posed no threat.
What had started out as just a visit to the palace with the Arandorian Prince, had turned out to be quite a tiring and exhausting ordeal for both Leo and Chad. With the niggling thought they should actually be with Kellan, the pair eventually made their way back to Edwin’s home. The day had all but passed them by, but thankfully their young prince seemed happy enough when they returned to check upon him.
Alec had spent most of the day with him, and Jon, the young ranger had kept them both up to date with what was going on around the place. The two other sorcerers, Beth and Anden had also remained present in the prince’s room, both taking their duties seriously. Although Leo was still unsure as to exactly what skills these two possessed, he was glad they at least kept the presence of a black robed sorcerer with the prince.
Lars, as promised by Edwin, had remained good to their word, with the older sorcerer happily sat on one of the cushioned chairs reading a book. The three Caldronian warriors were all stood on duty in the corridor outside the room, checking and limiting entry as they saw fit. That only left the healer, Sara, who had travelled with them. Leo was told that she was in another room, apparently treating one of Edwin’s guards that had been injured in one of the skirmishes at the palace.
Happy all his group was still intact and doing as they should, Leo finally thought it time to relax, and returned to his own room. After letting his body drop down onto the bed, he lay back and stared up at the ceiling. He heard Chad drop down on the bed a few paces away, “I am absolutely shattered!” he said keeping his gaze upwards. There was a short silence, before Chad spoke, “With the queen dead, I assume Edwin will become King. Do you think he might now have Arandor aid our cause?”
Leo pondered on the thought, he too had been thinking along the same lines. “I don’t know to be honest Chad. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but I think things have certainly taken a turn for the better.” Sure if he closed his eyes, he would probably fall asleep, Leo did not spend long lying on his bed. Instead he decided to freshen up, and thought Chad should probably do likewise.
No sooner had he started washing, when a knock came at the door. Chad dutifully got off his bed and answered it, as intrigued as Leo as to who it could be. An elderly lady stood in the doorway with several garments neatly folded in his outstretched arms. “Please excuse me Sirs,” she said politely, “These are the clothes his highness asked us to make for you.”
Chad took the offer, “Thank you,” he said, “You must have worked very hard to get them made so quickly,” he added.
“I’ve had several of the girls working most of the day on them Sir. There are trousers and shirts for you both,” she said proudly flipping through the garments to show Chad.
Leo excitedly undressed, removing his robe and deciding to wear his new clothes instead. “I wish you would give me warning when you decide to do that,” Chad grimaced as Leo stripped off in front of him. “Sorry!” Leo said pushing his legs through the new black trousers. He pulled on the white shirt and buttoned it up, “Good fit. How do I look?” he asked giving a little turn. “Be nice not to have to wear the robe I suppose,” Chad uttered not quite so keen on getting changed.
Chapter 12.
Despite the queen only being found dead the previous morning, today would see her being buried. However, more significantly this day would see Edwin crowned as King of Arandor. As a result, Leo and the others would once more be called upon to provide the king the necessary protection, although quite why the man insisted the Caldronians be responsible as opposed to his own sorcerers Leo was unsure.
Kellan, despite his years had settled in remarkably well in the short time they had been in Dornby, even more so considering the terrible news he had been given on his arrival. The prince had been the one who had given permission for Leo and the other three Caldronian sorcerers to provide the prince’s protection. As a result, Leo had been up early checking out exactly what skills Anden and Beth possessed.
Both were certainly quick learners, although neither was particularly proficient at any particular skill. Anden seemed to be better at offensive spells, much like he was, whilst Beth mirrored Chad in regards she was slightly better with shields. Although Leo doubted either would be much use in any large engagement with enemy sorcerers, he felt confident enough that both probably had sufficient skill to be of use should the need arise.
With Kellan being a distinguished guest at the coronation, Leo decided to place Chad in charge of keeping a watchful eye on him. He and the others could then concentrate on Edwin and his ever growing entourage of followers.
The funeral of the queen was to be a very low key affair, with her burial only being attended by Edwin and a few family members who lived within the city walls. Even this small and short service had been a nightmare for Farley, as regards the security. Having had his men search the palace and the grounds more thoroughly, he was as sure as he could be that any potential threats had been removed. Of course he was not so foolish to think that was definitely the case, and as a result had decided to arrange a substantial number of guards to be available.
Farley had originally requested the Caldronian sorcerers as well, but had been refused, not by them, but by his own Prince. Apparently they were already being asked to cover the coronation and with the funeral being so short it was not really fair to ask them to do both. As a result, Lars was the only sorcerer of note on duty for the queen’s burial. Whilst Farley respected the old sorcerer for the skills he had, they were very different from those of the Caldronians.
Now Farley had seen the Guild sorcerers in action, he realised just how far advanced they were compared to anything Arandor had. Whilst that in itself was concerning, the most worrying thing was that this also meant the Belarians were also far advanced of anything they could muster. Lars, for one though did have certain skills the Caldronians did not, but whether they would be useful in a combat situation he was as yet unsure.
The guild sorcerers were clearly trained for combat use. With their use of magical shields and the quite devastating energy blasts they used to despatch the enemy, and were clearly a force to be reckoned with. He was unsure as to whether all the Caldronian sorcerers were quite as skilled as Leo, and was beginning to understand why the young man was considered a King’s sorcerer.
Edwin sat in the small chapel that was situated at the back of the palace west wing. The only other people present for his grandmother’s funeral were a few distant relations that resided in Dornby. Under normal circumstances, the death of a monarch would be followed by days of public mourning, usually followed by a grand funeral service. However, due to the current circumstances, Queen Alesindra would only have the smallest of send-offs, before being placed in the royal crypt. Home to all the royal leaders of Arandor for the past several hundred years, it was a place Edwin hoped not to be visiting again for some considerable time.
Although not somebody he had always seen eye to eye with, Edwin felt quite saddened by his grandmother’s death. Her last few days must have been terrible, and her passing had gone by without anybody caring. Her dead body had lain in the palace for days, just so those who sought to do Arandor harm could remain in power. Had he not decided to force the issue when he had, how long would it have been before
anybody realised? A thought he did not wish to linger on.
A little teary eyed, Edwin said his goodbyes, before heading back to his own home to change. There was no time to waste, nor linger on the past, as he needed to prepare for his own coronation. Again this would be a low key affair, although a little larger than his grandmother’s funeral.
Without having the time to have special coronation clothes made, Edwin had decided to dress in his military uniform. Once he had slipped his feet into his highly polished black leather boots, he stood before the full length mirror in his dressing room, turning just slightly. After nodding with some self-satisfaction that he looked smart enough for the occasion, he stepped out into his room to show Farley. “You look every part a King,” The soldier said handing over a large glass of brandy. Edwin looked down at the glass, wondering why they were drinking so early, especially considering what lay ahead. “For the nerves Sire,” he said with a smile. Edwin grinned, “I certainly have plenty of those,” before lifting the glass to his mouth and drinking.
Leo had wanted to wear the new clothes the Arandorians had made for him, but apparently for such an occasion protocol demanded he wear his robes. With his boots polished and even his hair cut, despite the fact he would be wearing a hood over it, Leo was beginning to think it all a lot of bother. However, with Alec and Kellan on his case, ensuring not just he, but all the Caldronians were as smart and presentable as they could be, there was little chance of him objecting.
The ceremony would take place in the palace, utilising the grand hall for both the crowning of the prince and the festivities afterwards. Despite only a short time to make arrangements, those responsible for overseeing and planning the event had clearly achieved quite a lot. Banners bearing Edwin’s colours and coat of arms were hung from the far wall, and a makeshift throne placed at the far end of the hall atop the small dais.
Seating had been laid out in rows for those few honoured guests, and trestle tables were on hand to be brought in and erected once the actual ceremony had been completed, so that the feasting and celebrations could take place afterwards.
With the threat against Edwin hopefully nullified, it was expected that the large contingent of soldiers on duty, would not be needed for anything more than their presence. A show of force in and around the palace by his own guards, added with those Farley had deemed were trustworthy enough, was hoped to be sufficient to deter any would be enemy that may still be lurking. Just to err on the side of caution, all the catering and drinks were to be made and served by his own house staff, as opposed to making use of the existing palace staff. This of course was another problem that would need to be resolved sooner rather than later.
Edwin had mentioned to his much younger counterpart that perhaps it may be time to think about officially declaring himself as king. After taking advice from Alec, Kellan had replied that perhaps he should wait, at least until they could retake Surmont. After all he did not want to be a king without a nation or even a capital. Edwin had not argued the point, and if that was the boy’s wishes then so be it.
A fanfare of trumpets sounded as the audience in the great hall all stood for the crown prince, who slowly walked his way between the seating, and up to the dais. The guards lined the length of the walls, whilst the four Caldronian sorcerers stood behind the throne to be used for the coronation. Kellan, as a special guest Edwins, was afforded a slightly smaller throne just off to one side of the dais. This was not only to show a mark of respect to the young prince, but also made keeping him safe much easier, being as he would also be close to those able to offer protection should the need arise.
Deciding who should carry out the coronation had been another difficult choice to make. Under normal circumstances the highest member of the church would perform the ceremonial duty of declaring the new monarch to the gods. However, as this particular man was based some several hundred miles to the west, a suitable substitute had been sourced. The palace had its own chaplain, and being as this elderly man had already carried out the funeral service, it seemed only right he should do the coronation too.
After droning on for far longer than Edwin had envisaged, the chaplain eventually called for the crown of Arandor. This highly bejewelled golden headpiece had been used for this very ceremony for the past two hundred years; supposedly to show the wealth of the nation. A young man, dressed in ridiculously over opulent clothes walked on to the dais with a cushion held out on in his hands, and the crown sat upon it.
The chaplain gently picked the crown off and after holding it high in the air, slowly brought it down and placed it upon Edwin’s head. The trumpets sounded once more, their fanfare echoing in the vast openness of the great hall. Once silence fell, Edwin cautiously stood from the throne, keeping his head as still as he could so the crown would not slip from his head. He raised a hand and a loud cheer bellowed from the congregation before him, followed by a rapturous round of applause.
Kellan watched on, still sat off to one side of the dais. The youngster clapped his hands with the others wondering whether he was yet ready for such a thing. He looked over to his sorcerers who remained motionless, dark robed figures in the back ground. Why did these most powerful of people follow him, do as he asked without question? He was after all just a boy, he had no magic, he was not even particularly skilled with a bow or sword. Yet here they were, willing to put their lives on the line for him. Did these and the others think him a suitable leader to retake their country back? He was unsure whether he was everything people were expecting of him.
After walking so very slowly off the dais and out of a small side door, Edwin eventually removed the burdensome crown from his head. Kellan and the four Caldronian sorcerers slowly followed behind him, closing the door after them. “Good grief. That thing is so heavy and uncomfortable,” the new king explained, before placing the crown back down on a cushion.
Kellan surprised the group a little as he stepped up to Edwin and bowed, “Majesty,” he said dipping his head. Edwin quickly dismissed the gesture as unnecessary, although he thought technically he was now of a higher standing than Kellin; although even the lad was king in all but name, just not a crowned one. “And now I am king,” he said averted anymore awkwardness, “We can start making plans to get you made king. We can start by taking back your capital!” he added sounding quite determined.
With a short time allowed between the ceremony and the celebratory feast that followed, Edwin invited all his friends and special guests up to the royal quarters. Although as yet, he had not stayed in the palace, he knew this was something that would be expected of him. The thought of sleeping in the same bed he had discovered his dead grandmother in was not a pleasant one. As a result, he had felt it necessary to have the grand four post bed removed and destroyed, which was now replaced by one that was rather plain and simple looking.
With guards lining the corridors, Edwin felt comfortable enough to allow his guests from Caldronia time to relax. He thought that even though they were not guarding him, they at least would still be close at hand. He walked slowly over to the window that looked out over the back of the palace gardens, sipping from his glass of wine. “Almost done Sire!” he heard Farley say stepping up beside him. “I thought the day would never come. Now it is here I am petrified!” Edwin confessed revealing his true feelings for the first time. “I am sure you will make a fine king Sire.,” Came the reply.
As they were called back into the hall, Farley walked beside him, “And now it’s all official, you know we’ll have to find you a queen?”
Edwin chuckled, “And that frightens me even more.” Farley laughed along with his friend, but explained how that might yet work to their advantage. With the king being unattached, it was quite likely every nobleman in Arandor with a suitable daughter, would be trying to gain his favour. This would obviously mean that all these nobles would try and help in any way they could in aiding their cause.
Whilst messages had, and were still, being written and sent out by riders and
messenger birds, it would take some time for them all to be delivered. Whilst this message was generally one explaining the succession to the throne, it also stated that Arandor had been subjected to attacks by Belaria. The wording of these letters might have stretched the truth a little in regards the actual method of attack, in hope it might make those receiving them more agreeable to any future declarations Edwin would have.
The king and his advisors, including Farley, had stopped short of declaring all-out war on its neighbour, but had requested all nobles to start recruiting for the defence of the nation. Moreover, they had also written in a small piece about how Belaria had attacked Arandor’s neighbour, Caldronia, and was at the time of writing pillaging and murdering innocent civilians; something Edwin as king was going to stop. This had been his first declaration, and although many from Arandor would have hoped it something positive, he was standing by his promise to help Kellan and his friends.
The staff had only had about an hour or so to transform the hall suitable for the evening’s festivities. As Edwin and his entourage walked in, the musicians sat in the far corner started playing. As the king, he was shown to the table positioned up on the dais, whilst Kellan as his royal guest sat down beside him. If Leo and the others thought for one moment they would be spending the evening making merriment and enjoying a good hearty meal, they were very much mistaken.