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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3) Page 8
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Page 8
Out in the yard several of Edwin’s mounted guard were already sat atop their horses, as the prince gestured to four vacant ones in the centre. Leo felt a sudden nervousness overcome him, as all his failings with the creatures once more came back to haunt him. He had just assumed they were going to walk to the palace, after all it must only be a few minutes away, if indeed it was the building he had seen on their way in.
After looking decidedly awkward getting on the dark coloured horse he was allotted, Leo took the reins in hand waiting for the creature to do something that would cause him grief. After patting the horse on the neck in a gesture of friendship he was pleasantly surprised when the beast just nodded its large head slightly, as if approving him as its rider. “Good girl!” Leo said patting the horse once more. “Psst! That’s not a girl Leo,” Chad said nodding his head downwards. Leo gave a bashful grin as he realised what was meant, before the soldiers ahead of him started moving out.
The trip out of the grounds of Prince Edwin’s large home, and down the main thoroughfare towards the building Leo had correctly assumed to be the palace, did in fact take but a few minutes. The morning skies were cloudy and overcast with the slightest hint of drizzle in the air, as they were immediately stopped by guards at the gate. Wearing a different uniform to those riding with the prince, Leo watched from his position a little further back down the line as words were exchanged by the soldiers at the front.
The delay was only a short one as the large black iron gates swung open and they were permitted inside. “That’s the easy one. The city guards at least will still acknowledge who I am,” Edwin told them as they all moved inside the palace grounds. Now he could see the building for what it was, Leo was happy with his earlier judgement that the Caldronian Palace was a much nicer building than this one. As large as it was the Arandorian building just lacked something special that made you go ‘Wow’ when a person first saw it.
After they had all dismounted from their horses, two of the soldiers went with Edwin, whilst the others remained. Leo, Chad and Lars all went along with the prince as he walked slowly towards the main entrance. “This is where things get a little trickier,” he told them keeping his eyes on the guards posted by the large double doors.
Leo and Chad, both with their hoods up, took up a position either side of Edwin whilst Lars was left to take up a position to the rear. The soldiers remained in front and as a unit they were once more brought to a halt. This time the words exchanged between the soldiers and guards was not sufficient to gain them access, and it was left to Edwin to eventually step forward and order them to let him pass. Leo noticed the men on duty were unsure whether they should do as were asked, clearly torn between loyalty for the prince and an order they had been given.
With it being made clear to the guards that the prince was losing his patience, they eventually stood down and allowed them inside the palace. The hallway was as large as any Leo had ever seen, but if they thought the way forward was going to get any easier they were greatly mistaken. Word had clearly already gotten to those inside the building and already several guards were hurrying down the corridor towards them.
Leo went to step forward readying himself for trouble, but Edwin raised his hand just a little, “Relax, I have to go through this farce every time I visit.” Leo took half a step back but thought it best to be ready just in case. A small thin man with receding hair then made an appearance, “What is the meaning of this?” he yelled, his voice echoing in the vastness of the lobby.
“Darven, I have come to see my Grandmother,” Edwin said sternly fixating his gaze on the smaller man. “Ah I am afraid she is in no condition to have visitors your highness,” the man replied in a nasally voice. Whether it was the man’s tone or just that Leo thought he looked creepy, he took an instant dislike to him. There was something about him that suggested he did not want them there, something that appeared to be picked up on by Edwin as well.
Edwin turned to Leo, “Are you and Chad willing to act if necessary?”
Leo nodded under the cover of his hood, “I would be disappointed Sire if we turned away now.”
“Good because things might get a little out of hand very quickly.”
Edwin was in no mood to be fobbed off by such a nobody like Darven, and so decided he was going to head for the stairs anyway. The two guards with him set off in front and Leo and Chad remained either side, as they pushed past those blocking them in the foyer. The staircase was plenty wide enough for them to walk three abreast, as Leo could hear Darven shouting for more guards.
They managed to reach the first floor before the man finally caught up, with a dozen or so armed men in tow. “Stop right there! I told you the Queen does not want you visiting. Now I suggest you and your friends,” he said waving his arm at Leo and Chad, “Turn around and leave, before these men are forced to make you do so.”
“I am the crown Prince of Arandor. I am the heir to the throne you little runt, do not tell me what I can and cannot do!” Edwin snarled.
Darven may have been a snivelling little nobody, but it was clear the soldiers with him were willing to take his orders. This was always a subject Edwin had been puzzled about. Why would Arandorian soldiers take orders that would see them in conflict with their own countrymen; unless of course these men were not from Arandor. Perhaps these were Belarian soldiers, dressed to look like those from Arandor, that had infiltrated the palace. Edwin wasn’t sure he had yet found the answer, but this at least would be a possible explanation.
However, if these soldiers before him were not from Belaria then any action he took now might well see him take the blood of his own countrymen; something he did not want to do. He paused a while, seriously thinking this was a bad idea, when Leo and Chad just stepped a pace ahead of him. He watched as Leo leaned over, instructing Chad to do something, and stood in amazement as the boy cleared the way for them.
Chad merely waved a hand and a flickering wall of light expanded in front of them, pushing the soldiers barring their way to one side. “Nice work!” Leo said glad that the lad he mentored was better with shields than he was. With the window of opportunity given to them, Edwin signalled them up another flight of stairs and forward towards the Royal quarters.
Despite Darven making further attempts to stop them, and calling for others to do likewise, they managed to reach the corridor leading to where they needed to be. Chad was quickly forced in to action again as two soldiers on duty approached them. Armed with small crossbows, both fired simultaneously, but the young guild apprentice was quick to throw up his shield, deflecting both bolts aside. Leo, not wanting to look like a spare part dealt with the next two, as he placed a shield around both of them squeezing them tightly and slamming the men into the nearby wall, before releasing them. “Nice one Sir!” he heard Chad compliment him as the way ahead was now clear.
After one of Edwin’s soldiers opened the door, they all quickly headed into the private quarters of the queen. However, the room was almost in complete darkness, as the drapes covering the windows were all closed shut blocking out the sun light. Leo did not need to be asked and quickly summoned a small ball of light in his palm, instantly illuminating the large room.
Edwin sniffed at the air thinking something was not right. Without delay he pointed Leo in the direction of another door to their left, whilst Chad was asked to remain at the main door with the two soldiers to stop Darven and his men entering. The next room was also in complete darkness, and it was only when Leo followed Edwin inside was the shocking truth revealed.
Edwin turned away, covering his mouth with his hand. Lars stepped a little nearer but did not need to check anything to know the woman lying in the bed was dead, and probably had been for a while. “Well I guess that explains why they did not want anyone seeing her,” Edwin finally said deciding to leave the room. Leo quickly followed still holding the ball of light in his palm.
Chad was stood at the open doorway protecting the soldiers with him as a barrage of energy blasts s
truck the magical barrier he was holding. “Leo!” he shouted, “Leo, help!” A few moments passed before Leo realised why Chad was shouting his name, but once he had, he wasted no time in assisting. Stood down the corridor were two men with Darven stood behind them, “Kill them!” they could hear the man shouting.
“Sorcerers?” Edwin asked thinking aloud. He knew these could not be Arandorian, as his grandmother had no love for magic, and had banished the use of it from the palace; although she had accepted its need for military purposes. Leo decided he had two choices. Firstly, he could help shield with Chad, or he could do what he did best. He naturally decided on the latter option and after letting the globe of light peter out in his hand, concentrated his attack.
Leo sent a series of blasts down the corridor towards the two sorcerers, forcing both to avert their attacks and shield instead. Once he was happy they were both on the defensive he thrust both his hands out sending forth a thick beam of energy that lit up the entire corridor. Both sorcerers were felled within moments of the blast striking. Their shields were inadequate to withstand Leo’s superior power, as all went quiet.
Leo turned to Edwin to check he was okay, only to see both the prince and Lars stood there gaping. “Wow!” was the only word either of them could think of now they had seen the true power of the Caldronian sorcerers. Chad still kept an eye on the now blackened and smouldering corridor, “I think you might need to redecorate Sire,” he quipped looking briefly over his shoulder to Edwin.
Happy that Darven was no longer a threat, being as he was little more than a blackened corpse upon the scorched carpet, another to fall foul of Leo’s attack, they all headed out of the Queen’s chambers. Not knowing who could be trusted, Edwin thought it best they head back into the palace yard and re-join the rest of his men.
Chapter 11.
Edwin realised as he and the others made their way back down the grand stairway and out in to the palace grounds, that he would find it difficult to know who was loyal to who. However, one immediate change he noticed was the uncertainty of the soldiers running about the palace, unsure of what to do. As a result, he and the others were allowed to pass unhindered, back to where he had left the rest of his own guard.
Knowing he needed to act with haste to take advantage of the situation, he quickly sent word for Farley to bring as many men as possible. He was quite sure that once word was out that the queen was dead, and that he was now running the show most of those in the palace would fall into place. However, with him not knowing just how many traitors were involved he knew now that the truth was out, he was probably in great danger.
Having now had a demonstration of Chad and Leo’s powers, Edwin was keen to keep them close by. The Caldronians though were quick to remind him that they were there to protect their own prince, and should probably be getting back to him. “Don’t you have your own sorcerers?” Leo asked wondering why Edwin seemed intent on not even considered using them. “They are still very green, with very different skills to you pair,” he replied. “What of the other two sorcerers in your group, Beth and Anden?” he added surprised he had remembered their names correctly. “They are very green!” Leo said sounding a little sardonic.
Despite Leo being less than cooperative in any immediate plans Edwin had in taking the palace, he knew he needed to be accommodating. The Arandorian prince had after all shown them great kindness, and more importantly, the possible means of retaking Surmont. Although neither he nor Chad had seen Lars do anything magical, Leo assumed the man must at least have some reasonable power if he was being used as a teacher. “Perhaps if you send Lars back to protect Kellan, me and Chad can help a little longer,” he suggested.
Edwin immediately jumped at the chance, and immediately dismissed the sorcerer from his side, making Leo think he had perhaps made the wrong choice. “I assume Lars can protect the prince if necessary?” he asked looking a little worried as the man in question trotted his horse out of the palace gates. “Of course! Just not in the way you and Chad might do,” came a less than convincing reply. Leo looked at Edwin, with a look that suggested he was unsure, before accepting the situation for what it was.
Within ten minutes, the first of Edwin’s guards were on the scene, with Farley at their lead. Dozens of palace guards were also lined up in the yard seemingly now happy to have Edwin as their commander. Leo however, was not so convinced, and having a far more suspicious mind than most kept a watchful eye their direction, just in case this was all part of a darker, deeper plot.
Farley immediately got to work, seemingly knowing some of the men on duty in the palace and happy for them to join his ranks. The palace staff, the cooks and cleaners, started spilling out of a side entrance as word spread there had been, and likely would be more, fighting within. Leo knew that any of these people could potentially be a traitor, and asked Chad to be alert to the possible dangers.
With there being every chance of others still inside the building who swore loyalty to others, Edwin wanted Leo to head a group of his soldiers to help flush them out. Chad assumed he was to go to, being as he and Leo seemed to work well together, but the prince called him back. “What of my protection? I have sent Lars back to help look after Kellan. I will need one of you to stay with me.” Leo sighed, despite all the indications that Chad would not be a good sorcerer, he had proved everybody wrong. In fact, Leo not only considered himself his mentor, but also a good friend, and was not really keen on leaving him behind. However, knowing that Edwin was likely to be at risk, he reluctantly agreed.
The man known as Darven may have been dealt with, but it was soon clear there were others who also held influence in the palace. They found one man quickly gathering papers and notes and shoving them in a pack, clearly trying to make a quick getaway. Unfortunately for this particular man he was discovered and duly arrested, before being taken away by one of the soldiers accompanying Leo.
They were thankful for the most part that those who were probably up to no good, had remained inside when the order had been given for them to vacate. This ultimately meant that anybody they found still inside had either not understood the order or was in fact an enemy of Arandor.
As Leo no longer had Chad with him to make a shield he knew he would likely have to be proactive should they encounter any trouble. Knowing that his ability to protect himself usually involved diving around on the floor, he was not certain the others with him would know to do that. Hence, should they encounter any threat he would have to make sure he was quick to fire and dispatch any enemy before they could.
Edwin had been correct in assuming his life was in danger, and thankful he had asked Chad to stay and protect him. A man, not in any kind of uniform had sneaked atop of the palace roof, and with a crossbow in hand, fired down upon them. The prince had been the obvious target, but thankfully for all concerned one of his soldiers had spotted the man skulking around in the corner of his eye. Chad reacted admirably, throwing up a shield and deflecting the crossbow bolt aside before it struck its mark. With the man realising he was not going to succeed against a sorcerer, he quickly vanished again. The attack may have missed, but it did have the effect of moving Edwin back away from the main building.
Inside, Leo was led this way and that, peering into rooms that had been hurriedly vacated. With the ground floor clear, one of Edwin’s soldiers hurried outside to inform the prince of the progress, leaving Leo and the others to continue up the main stairs. They reached the first floor, and having checked several rooms, Leo was beginning to think they would not find anybody else; a thought he was soon forced to rethink.
As his group turned a corner, they came face to face with five men and a woman. The men drew swords but it was the female that kept Leo’s attention as she went to raise a hand. Instinctively knowing this woman must be a sorcerer he sent a multitude of energy blasts down the corridor as quickly as he could. Although the shots were wild, two struck his intended target, and another one of the men beside her, felling them instantly. He heard the guar
ds behind him yelling as they shoved forward to intercept those still standing.
The sound of swords rang out in the corridor as the guards loyal to Edwin soon overpowered the remaining enemy. Leo had to step over the bodies before continuing onwards, checking each room as they passed. Although he supposed it was possible for somebody to hide within, he knew they did not have enough time to be that thorough.
Aside from a man they caught running down the corridor on the top floor, with a crossbow in his hand, they encountered nobody else. For such a vast building to be completely void of all people certainly gave the place an eerie feeling. Although Leo was unsure they had checked all the rooms, mainly because each new one looked very much like the one before it, he was happy to take the word of the guards working alongside him.
The palace may have now been empty, but the grounds outside were very different. All the staff had to be questioned, not only to discover where their loyalties lay, but to try and build a picture as to why the death of the queen was allowed to go unnoticed. Surely somebody must have noticed there was no food being delivered to royal quarters, or the fact that no one had been asked to wash, clean or even make the beds.
Edwin had tasked this job to three of his own house staff. These were people he knew he could trust explicitly, and moreover knew how the palace staff should operate. For security reasons he left several of his guard overseeing these interviews, just in case they discovered anybody trying to remain undercover.