Reign of the Dark Elves: Book One : The Sorcerer Read online

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  It was Stanick who went first, listing all the charges being brought against both Liana as the main culprit and Brenion for the list of lesser charges; all of which were immediately dismissed by the man charged with their defence. While this at first appeared to be a good thing, at least to those onlookers, Brenion knew it was nothing more than a farce. How could a man possibly stand in their defence when he knew absolutely nothing about what had gone on. The only side of the story he would have been told would be that of the prosecution, but to make things appear fair to those looking on he would pretend to be on Brenion and Liana’s side. Fortunately for Brenion, he knew the laws of Insgarth well, and immediately stood to halt proceedings. However, as he went to speak, he was quickly halted by the High Councilor, “You will have your chance to explain please sit down!”

  “I would like to stand in my own and Liana’s defence,” Brenion announced.

  “You cannot stand, you are here accused,” the High Councilor replied with a smug grin on his face.

  “Perhaps the boy behind you,” suggested a man sat further along the table which received a few sniggers around the room.

  “I’ll do it if you like!” Ari whispered, not really certain as to whether he should be making any noise at all.

  While the offer was sincere and Brenion had no doubt that Ari would have both their interests at heart, he also knew that the young lad had no knowledge of how these things worked. The prosecution would tie him up in knots, and they’d probably all get charged for far worse things than they were already. Ordinarily, Brenion could have stood in his own defence, but as the High Councilor took pleasure in reminding him, this was only the case in civil matters not those of a law court. Brenion knew the man placed to defend them would look like he was trying his best, but ultimately would fail and accept the charges being manufactured and brought against him.

  “So if there is no one else to offer in your defence, perhaps we can continue with the appointed one,” the High Councilor announced looking rather arrogant as he sat back down. However, something both he nor Brenion had anticipated happened as a gentleman from the public gallery stood and offered his assistance. He was a young, good-looking gent in his early twenties, finely dressed and clean shaven with neatly trimmed brown hair that was swept over to one side.

  “I will stand for the defence!” The man said again shuffling his way along a row of seats and moving towards the front of the room. Liana watched on and smiled before looking up at Brenion as if to ask what was going on, “That’s Osrik,” he mouthed to her.

  Although Liana didn’t know many people in Insgarth, she was aware that Osrik was the name of the man charged with her druid training. This she thought, should make things interesting, and suddenly found her nervous fear replaced by a strange kind of excitement.

  The High Councilor looked somewhat taken aback as Osrik stood in front of the long table.

  “Do you have a problem with that High Councilor?” Osrik asked, sounding very confident in his words. The Councilor looked over to the man prosecuting as if seeking some kind of guidance on what he should do. As the law stood Osrik as a man of position in Insgarth had every right to do so, it's just that he was not supposed to be there.

  “You thought by holding the case an hour earlier than you told all the magicians you would see us taken out of the equation?” Osrik suggested, although did not fully accuse the councillor.

  The man writhed and cringed, knowing that was exactly what they had hoped, but yet here Osrik was, and there was nothing he could do to stop him from acting on behalf of the accused.

  Chapter 14.

  After a faltering start to proceedings, and Osrik now replacing the man originally charged with their defence, the case was finally allowed to proceed. The old man known as Edrick was asked to stand and explain his version of events. Although he spoke mostly truthfully, Liana for one spotted he did over exaggerate certain parts, and add things in that were not said nor happened. As if noticing she was getting agitated she felt Brenion put a hand on her arm, and slowly shaking his head as if to tell her to remain calm.

  Alvin was then asked to stand, and after saying that he could barely do so due to the large amount of pain he was suffering, from the injuries he had sustained, he finally managed to get to his feet. The acting was so terrible Liana actually sniggered and had to cover her mouth to stop it being audible to the rest of the room. After explaining to the hearing that Liana had, without any provocation used her magic against him, smashing him into the wall and would have killed him had Edrick not bravely intervened.

  “That didn’t happen!” Liana found herself saying much louder than she intended, although she quickly apologised as dozens of pairs of eyes glared her direction.

  Osrik walked confidently over to the table where Edrick and Alvin were sitting.

  “Are you in a lot of pain Alvin?” Osrik asked.

  “Yes,” the man replied looking somewhat nervous and unsure as to what was going to happen.

  “Struggling to walk?” Osrik asked.

  Again Alvin nodded, pulling a face that suggested that even doing just that was painful. Osrik nodded back and turned to those in the room. “Perhaps, Brenion’s wife could look at you and help heal these dreadful injuries you have suffered?”

  “That won’t be necessary!” Edrick shouted getting quickly to his feet. “The lad has suffered enough from the use of you magical folk, she will only lie and say there is nowt wrong anyway!” the old man scoffed quickly thinking of a suitable reason as to why that should not happen. Osrik admitted to the room that would probably be the case, after all, the woman healing would be the wife of one of the accused and therefore would naturally be loyal to Brenion.

  “Exactly!” Eldrick announced, pleased that the man defending seemed to be agreeing with him.

  A short silence fell as Osrik merely paced around the room, his footsteps echoing slightly on the bare wooden floor. Suddenly he turned to Alvin and pointed at him, “Correct me if I am wrong Alvin. I am led to believe you walked out of the office yesterday unaided?”

  Alvin squirmed and hesitated as he looked over to the elderly man sat beside him for guidance. However, before either could reply, Osrik announced something further. “And if your injuries are as severe as you are making out why did I see you at a dance yesterday evening, moving quite freely!”

  Edrick spat and snarled at the younger man beside him, “You blithering idiot. I told you not to go to the wretched dance!”

  Osrik smiled and continued his walk around the room, surmising that he had proved the injuries sustained by the accusers were not as bad as they were being led to believe. Moreover, as this was evidently the case, it also proved they were willing to lie in a hearing, something which in itself was an offence. The accusation clearly did not sit well with the Council members who warned Osrik that making such allegations would not be taken lightly.

  “Perhaps Alvin is just exaggerating his injury a little,” the man suggested turning to face the accuser again.

  Alvin nodded, “Maybe just a little,” he said, much to the disgust of Edrick.

  With Alvin already squirming and cracking under the pressure of questions, Osrik asked him to explain the events again. This time the man admitted that Eldrick had asked him to escort Liana out of the office and that he had grabbed her when doing so.

  “If a stranger grabbed you, would you not react in a similar way?” Osrik asked.

  Alvin admitted that he probably would have done, and had to accept that Liana probably reacted out of self-defence.

  “It is nice to hear you telling the truth Alvin, after all lying to a hearing is punishable by flogging and imprisonment. Of course, you already know that don’t you!” Osrik said moving his face to within a few inches of Alvin’s, startling him in the process.

  As the injury to Alvin was not as bad as the prosecution was making out, and the fact Liana had acted in self-defence, Osrik suggested to the hearing that any charge of assault or the ridi
culous one of attempted murder were unfounded. Moreover, the man then explained that as a young girl who had only just discovered her magical powers, they were sometimes difficult to control when emotions were running high. Brenion had clearly done nothing wrong and had only assisted in preventing any further damage to Council property, for which he was certain Liana would cover the cost of.

  As the charges were systematically discarded one by one, it was soon apparent the prosecution had very little substance on which to base their claims. However, Stanick, the old man prosecuting was no fool and had spotted a flaw in Osrik’s seemingly excellently presented defence. While Stanick reluctantly accepted the charges against Liana and Brenion were weak at best, he had one more ace still to play. Allowing his opposite number to wallow in his apparent victory, Stanick waited patiently until Osrik had finished making his summary before speaking again.

  “Osrik, a young man of magical powers,” Stanick announced slowly getting to his feet and mirroring his opponent by walking around the room.

  “Has just confirmed what many of us fear. That magic is dangerous and can not be controlled. Did you not hear him say that had Brenion not intervened, the girl could have caused more damage. Surely this girl, like all magic users are out of control and seemingly above the laws of our land!”

  “We abide by the laws, just not the ones you make up as you go along!” Osrik shouted in defiance.

  Stanick was not deterred by the interruption and merely continued his little speech, suggesting they would surely all be better off and safer if those who could wield magic were ‘removed’ from society. The girl was evidently a danger to the public, and it had long been an issue that magical users were a law to themselves. Something that had again been highlighted the previous day when Brenion had dismissed the guards ordered by Edrick to arrest her.

  Stanick then referred back to several other instances where those who could wield power had been allowed to escape the punishment that normal folk would have had to endure. The magical fraternity was also treated better, they did not have to work, they had better homes and food. Because of the apparent lack of consistency even a Dark Elven child was permitted to live among their number. The enemy within, Stanick called it, as Liana could see Brenion clenching his fists.

  “I do not see them bringing anything good to our society!” Stanick announced pointing and staring their direction.

  A few on the high council cheered when Stanick finished his great speech and slowly made his way back over to his seat. However, Osrik may have been much younger and somewhat less wise to the ways of the world, but he was also a clever man. Casually walking over to the table behind which the council sat he ambled along the line of men, looking at each in turn, before speaking again. “We have remained anonymous from the Dark Elves since Insgarth was built,” he announced. The city and the society that first made it their home were allowed to do so due to the fact two magicians had led them there. Moreover, it was magicians that had kept the city safe ever since. Osrik had one final warning, not just for the council but for the others watching and listening in the room.

  “One day the Dark Elves will find out where we are, and they will come. Who will defend you then? The one hundred soldiers we have? The ruling council, perhaps? No, it will be a handful of people who have the power of magic. Do away with us, and you as good as let the Dark Elves win!”

  While the High Councillor may not have liked magical users, nor the fact they were afforded a better life than most in Insgarth. Yet, he for one had to admit they risked the one chance they ever had of fighting back an attack if they did not have the magicians there. Stanick may not have agreed, but as the man could not give an adequate answer to the question he had just been asked, the High Councilor had to admit defeat. The entire proceeding had been one enormous farce and one that had failed miserably in what it hoped to achieve.

  “All charges dropped!” The man said bringing his wooden hammer down and making the declaration to the others in the room.

  “However, the girl will pay for the damage she has done and must undergo training to assist her magic.”

  “I will train her myself!” Osrik announced, now the one with the smug grin on his face.

  Despite the complaints of both Stanick and Edrick that the outcome was not right, both were told to be quiet and sit back down. The High Councillor then suggested that opinions should be sought as to how this event can be learnt from, so it was not repeated, saying that he felt magicians needed guidelines and governance like everyone else. The remark was a fair one, though neither Brenion nor Osrik had any kind of answer for him, although the latter said he would ask the other magic users in Insgarth as to what they thought. With those final words, the High Councillor decided to bring an end to this entire fiasco and dismissed everyone from the hearing.

  “What about me?” Ari asked still unsure as to where his future lay.

  “You’re with me!” Liana said glancing over her shoulder, “Whether they like it or not!” she added, feeling quite defiant and obstinate on the matter. Brenion looked over to the young lad and grinned, “Think you have your answer. I’ll try and sort out some training for you, and for now, you can both stop at my house,” Brenion said clearly glad all that was over. Despite several glares and stares from some people as they headed for the doorway, nobody said anything to them. Once outside the room, they were however stopped by Osrik who was waiting for them to come out.

  Brenion shook the man’s hand thanking him for sticking up for them, before introducing him to Liana.

  “So looks like I have my work cut out with you young lady,” Osrik said with a smile on his face. Liana just shrugged her shoulders unsure what to say in reply, and duly shook the hand of friendship being offered her way.

  “This is Ari,” Brenion then added, not wanting to leave the youngster out of everything he did, having decided it was probably going to cause far fewer problems if he did keep them together after all.

  “Pleased to meet you, Ari,” Osrik said offering the same hand out in greeting. Ari took the offer although seemed somewhat unsure about the man making it. While he had to admit Osrik had helped them all in the hearing, Ari was already feeling the first tinges of jealousy, especially when Osrik placed an arm around Liana’s shoulder as they walked along the corridor towards the staircase.

  Chapter 15.

  The second Dark Elf group of soldiers, led by Saedor’s Commander had travelled extensively further east than any normal patrol would normally do. Named Drakon, this elf had been in the service of Saedor since his arrival, although was now getting on in years. Having the wraiths in their party picking up on faint signs that magic had been used they had turned northwards to follow the trail. Having left Gashek with only the minimum of supplies, they had been forced to make alternative arrangements. This had ultimately just meant called in at a couple of human settlements and helping themselves to what was available. If the occupants went without food as a result of this action, then that was their own problem.

  Having moved for several days on the say so of the wraiths that had picked up this faint trace of magic, this was a measure of how far the Commander was willing to go to please Saedor. Knowing wealth and riches would be lavished upon any Elf that could find and destroy this myth of a society where humans stilled lived free. Moreover, with other, younger officers chomping at the bit to topple him from his elevated position in the army, this would prove to their leader he was still the best elf for the job.

  Several times they had thought they had lost the trace but had managed on each occasion to pick it back up again after a few detours and scanning further afield. As the group moved out into the far reaches of the conquered lands, the Commander knew that if he did not find something a bit more substantial soon, then he would be running out of kingdom in which to search. Knowing there were vast hills and mountains the further north and east he went, the chances of anything living in those desolate areas were slim, also meaning that venturing in there wit
hout proper supplies would be foolish.

  One discovery that they had made the previous day drove him on, and one that convinced him this trek was worth pursuing. Remains of a campsite and fire were good enough, but it was also at this very spot that two of the wraiths detected very faint signs of magic having been used there. If that was the case, then the Commander knew he was likely to be following along the right trail, and with very few places for the humans to exist around here knew he must be very close. Alternatively, he also realised that even if this was the right trail they were pursuing, it might be that the magician responsible was merely heading to some small insignificant hideout in the mountains. After all, the camps they had discovered were all very small, suggesting that perhaps only two or three people had stayed there. Either way, the Commander was now confident of either finding this mysterious human settlement that had eluded the Dark Elves since their taking of these lands or dismiss it as pure myth once and for all.

  With the sun setting low in the sky and the temperature dropping greatly, the Dark Elven commander was glad to see the outpost just a short ride away. Knowing his troops were tired, cold and hungry, he hoped to rest here and continue his search outwards in the morning. A small settlement, and home to barely fifty or sixty full-time soldiers, only half of which were actually Elven, it was certainly one of the more remote places of the kingdom to be posted. Situated upon a small hill and surrounded by what could only be described as a short wall, probably more to keep wild animals out than for any great military worth. This was known by the elves as Crendon Outpost and had once been a small human settlement, before being taken over by the Elves shortly after the invasion two centuries earlier.