Reign of the Dark Elves: Book One : The Sorcerer Read online

Page 11

  “What about this one?” the soldiers asked indicating to a bloodied Oswald.

  “I have a better use for him!”

  The two with Oswald were dragged away, kicking and screaming as they realised their terrible fate. In a makeshift pen, a hundred darters, resting after a long day’s travel suddenly sprung back to their feet as the two humans were shoved ever nearer. Both prisoners were cut, so the smell of fresh human blood was unmissable, before being lifted up and thrown into the pen. Like a pack of hungry wolves, the darters bounded in for the kill, as the dying screams of the men were drowned about by the snarling beasts.

  Oswald meanwhile looked up at the Dark Elf staring down at him. “You at least have a bit of spirit in you. So I’m going to let you live a bit longer at least.” If Oswald thought he was getting away with his attack on the elf, he was very much mistaken as the first part of his punishment was quickly revealed to him. His mother, whom he thought he had saved from any abuse was laid out before him, and Oswald was forced to watch as she was mercilessly killed. Letting out a loud cry of anger, Oswald struggled and tried to force his way free from his captors, but they were too many. His mother’s throat was slit, and he watched her face in the flickering light of the torches as she slumped to the dirt before him.

  “Oh dear!” Gardir said chuckling to himself. “Not to worry I will allow you your vengeance against the one responsible.”

  A dozen elven soldiers quickly formed a ring and Oswald was dumped in the centre of it. “I will let you live to have your vengeance against the soldier who has just killed your poor dear Mother,” Gardir shouted out to him, before tossing a small bladed knife on the ground just in front of him. Oswald, tear-stained, bruised and bloodied glanced up at the Dark Elf sneering his direction, before eyeing the blade just in front of him. He knew without looking another Dark Elf was already in the circle behind him, the one who had just killed his mother. As Oswald took several deep breaths, he heard those making the makeshift barrier jeering and goading him to get up and fight as he caught the Dark Elf in the corner of his eye circling around to the left him.

  As if time stood still, Oswald knew he was going to die whatever the outcome of the fight. There was no way these Dark Elves were going to let him go even if he did manage to beat the soldier still edging around him and holding a sword in his hand. What chance would he have any way against somebody who clearly had the advantage of not only the better weapon but with proper training as well? Oswald gritted his teeth together, deciding if he were going to die he was going to do it in a way he would be remembered. Steadying his breathing, he knew his timing had to be crucial to his plan.

  As the crowd around jeered at his apparent lack of action, Oswald waited until the elven soldier was behind him. Without dwelling on what would happen, Oswald grabbed the blade that had been tossed in front of him, picking it up and leaping to his feet in one swift move. The cheers immediately broke out as those gathered expected to see a fight to the death, but Oswald had other ideas. Rather than turn to face the soldier that had killed his mother he bounded towards the Elf giving the orders. With his knife blade held out in front of him, Oswald lunged forward and thumped it straight into the chest of the Dark Elf. The silence that followed was somewhat surreal as those cheering and shouting stopped, shocked at what had just happened.

  Gardir flinched as he felt his own knife blade sinking into his chest. Catching him completely unaware, the force of the human’s attack ensured it sank deep as he struggled for a last and final breath. Oswald was surprised by the Dark Elves lack of action, and not one to miss an opportunity, ignored the dying elf slumping to the ground and ran. With his legs trying to move too fast at first, his escape was almost over before it had begun, but he managed to stay on his feet and make a break for freedom. As to how far he would get, he had no idea, but with his adrenaline pumping, he ran blindly into the darkness, not even risking a glance over his shoulder to see if he was being pursued.

  Oswald was actually further away from the Elves than he realised, as those who had been part of the spectacle seemed unsure as to what they should do. The Commander of their force was lying dead on the ground in front of them, and the other officers were preoccupied with the human women having been allowed to enjoy themselves first before the common soldiers had their go. Oswald ran until he could feel his muscles cramping up and had no alternative but to stop. Breathing heavily and bent over with his hands on his knees he glanced back into the black of night, expecting to see a horde of Dark Elven soldiers in pursuit. However, much to his surprise there was nothing, not a sign of anything heading his way. Unarmed, unprovisioned and moving blindly in the night, Oswald did not want to give up his advantage, and once he was happy his legs could move again, he set off, although at a steady pace away from the village he called home. As to where he was going or what he was going to do, he had no idea. Oswald knew he would be hunted wherever he went, and there was every likelihood the Dark Elves would punish his village for what he had done. Yet, he felt no remorse, only a feeling of freedom as he continued off into the unknown.

  Chapter 13.

  Liana was not sure that Ari had enjoyed the same pleasurable night as she had. The young man appeared somewhat bashful and embarrassed by what they had done, causing her to think that perhaps she had done something wrong. She watched as Ari dressed with his back turned to her as if uncomfortable she might see him naked, despite the fact they had just shared a bed together. What had happened the previous night had been everything she had hoped for and more. Ari was every bit the perfect man, his lean body still bearing the marks on his back from where she had clawed into it with her fingernails. Yet on awaking, Ari had seemed somewhat distant and vague, while she had even anticipated a repeat before going downstairs for breakfast.

  Ari was already dressed and washed by the time Liana had only managed to get her underclothes on, so deep were her thoughts. “Ari, are you okay?” she asked noticing him glance her direction, probably more to check she was ready than for any other reason. As Liana pulled her shirt on she got a somewhat grunted reply, although she had no idea what it was he had said. Not one to be beaten so easily, Liana quickly pulled on her breeches and socks before stamping her feet down into her leather boots. “Thank you for last night,” she said stepping over to him and placing her arms around his waist and kissing him gently. Ari did not reply nor did he respond, leaving Liana feeling like she had definitely done something she shouldn’t have.

  “Ari,” Liana said again puzzled and confused as to what was going on. “What have I done wrong?” she asked feeling somewhat emotional at his lack of response.

  Ari turned to look at her, gazing down with his pretty green eyes and gave a wry smile. “I’m sorry,” he finally said.

  “What for?” Liana replied somewhat confused.

  “For what we did last night. I took advantage of you and the situation,” were not the words Liana was expecting to hear.

  “No, you didn’t. If anything I took advantage of you,” she replied. “And no, I don’t regret it! Do I want to do it again? Yes, I do!” she said.

  Ari smiled at her and leaned down to give here just the slightest of kisses on her forehead. “Perhaps we should just take a little more time. We barely know each other after all, and after today…well we might not be together,” Ari said looking rather sorry for himself.

  Liana finally understood Ari’s problem as the young man explained his feelings to her. Ari was not embarrassed by what they had done but was troubled that he might be falling for a girl that he might not see again. Liana had not really thought of it like that, yet now he had explained it, the thought of Ari being sent to one place and her another did not sit well. While sure of her feelings for him were indeed strong, even more so after the previous night, by doing what they had, would surely only make any separation more difficult. “Well, we best make sure they don’t split us up then. I for one will not allow it!” she said defiantly. With that new determination in her mindse
t, Liana lifted her arms up around Ari’s and pulled him down for another kiss, thankful that he did not resist, but more importantly that he responded.

  As the pair walked hand in hand down the stairs, Elynia spotted them and beckoned them towards the dining table. “Come and sit down,” she said with a big smile on her face that suggested to Liana that perhaps she had not been the only one who had enjoyed their night.

  “Bacon and eggs,” Elynia said placing down two plates, one in front of each. Ari’s face appeared to brighten up a bit as Elynia dished out a generous helping of both, and suggested they help themselves to the bread which was already sliced and buttered and on a plate in the middle of the table. Both were just about to start eating when they noticed no sign of Brenion, although a question Elynia answered for them before they could ask it.

  “Brenion has gone over to the keep to try and get a sense of what they plan to do to you,” she said.

  Oscar sat at the table, his head barely able to see over the top and smiled as he noticed Liana looking his direction. Struggling to reach the plate of bread and butter, Liana duly pushed it a little closer to him, “There you go,” she said. While it had all been explained to her and Ari, sitting at the breakfast table opposite a Dark Elf was something she would have never envisaged herself doing. Yet here she was, and although in truth the boy was only a half-breed, his distinctive features made him stand out from anybody else she knew. “Thank you,” the little boy said following her small gesture. Liana just cast him another smile and realised then that it was not what Oscar was that made him who he was, but rather how he was raised. Sure, the boy looked every bit like a smaller version of those she despised and hated, but his appearance defied what lay beneath. Take away that outer shell, and there was still a small, polite young boy underneath.

  Brenion made a rather noisy entrance through the back door of the house, causing both Ari and Liana to look up his direction. Elynia walked over and kissed him in greeting, before Brenion walked over to the table and ruffled his adopted son’s hair, before even acknowledging either Liana or Ari. The look on his face suggested to Liana that things had not gone as he had expected, and prepared herself accordingly for the bad news. Not wanting to push for any updates, Liana thought it best to let Brenion sit down and start eating and to let the man explain in his own time. Her patience was soon rewarded after Brenion had just started to eat, and explained between mouth-fulls of food what he had found out.

  Apparently, the old man in the office the previous day wished to press a quite substantial list of charges against Liana. They ranged from the destruction of council property right up to attempted murder, the latter of which almost had Liana spitting out the food in her mouth such was the shock.

  “But I didn’t mean to hurt anybody!” She pleaded.

  “No, it was the young man who grabbed her, she was just acting in self-defence!” Ari quickly added, jumping to her defence. Brenion just held his hand up, “And that is what we shall be saying in our defence,” he said suggesting they let him finish speaking.

  “And you can tell them if any of those charges stick I for one shall not be healing any council members ever again!” Elynia added as she walked casually past the table to collect the empty plate at the centre.

  Brenion, as the one who appeared to be the calmest of them all, suggested they all keep their heads and not speculate as to what was going to happen. However, he reaffirmed his own stance that he would stand by Liana and Ari, and now he was aware they were a couple would suggest they stay together; something that immediately brought a smile to Ari’s face. Brenion had also learned that those placing the charges were apparently milking it for everything it was worth, and not all due to Liana’s behaviour the previous day. Apparently, some of those on the council were somewhat fed up of always being held to ransom from the handful of magicians that resided in Insgarth. Often allowed to get away with far more than any other person, and even afforded better homes and lifestyles, there were some who sought to use every excuse to knock them down a peg or two. It was because of this that everything appeared to be getting blown out of proportion, although it was fair to say incidents such as Liana’s did not happen every day.

  With breakfast finished Brenion kissed his wife and child goodbye before heading outside where Ari and Liana were already waiting for him. Although they had noticed it was generally much colder the further they had travelled from Sarton, within the confines of the natural barrier that gave Insgarth and the surrounding lands its anonymity, it had felt a little warmer again. The wind still carried a chill, but once out of that, it felt very similar to back home. However, that had not stopped both Ari and Liana wrapping up in their new clothes and even putting on the extra layer they had taken to wearing a few days earlier.

  With Brenion leading the way along the streets, Liana felt nervous for the first time since the incident. Trying to keep calm and actually remaining so, she knew were very different things. Moreover, Liana also knew that no matter what accusations were thrown at her, she had to remain calm, as much for Ari and Brenion as for her own sake. Going off in another fit of rage and smashing more tables would not do her chances any good, nor theirs either.

  The keep appeared far busier than it had the previous day, with Brenion pointing out that the hearing had probably caused no small amount of intrigue. As a result, the three of them had to squeeze and barge their way through the people loitering in the main entrance hall, before heading off up a flight of wooden stairs. At the top of the landing were two guards, both of whom looked as they passed by as if just checking for a familiar face. Two further soldiers were stationed outside the room they were to use for the hearing, and after being held up at the doorway, because they were apparently not yet ready, Brenion spotted six more soldiers heading their way down the corridor.

  “Are they all because of me?” Liana asked as the six walked past and entered the room they had not yet been permitted into.

  “I guess so,” Brenion replied seemingly as baffled by the unnecessary amount of guards on duty. Whether Brenion had more thoughts as to why that was the case, he kept them to himself, as Liana just nodded.

  They did not have to wait long before a tall, thin man with a rather nasally sounding voice appeared at the door and asked them to enter. At first, Ari was not permitted entry, as it was deemed the hearing was nothing to do with him, which resulted in another holdup. After Brenion pleading that Ari and Liana were, in fact, a couple they should be treated as such and therefore both should be allowed in. After ten minutes of discussing the matter further, those on the Council eventually agreed that was okay, provided Ari did not interrupt any of the proceedings.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Ari asked as they finally entered a large, well-lit room.

  “What they are basically saying is come in, sit down and shut up,” Brenion replied already fixated on the faces all sitting behind the long table in front of them.

  With soldiers positioned around the room, the entire High Council had seen fit to oversee proceedings, something that Brenion knew was not a particularly good thing. To their left was Edrick, the old man who was pressing the charges and sat beside him was his assistant Alvin, the young man Liana was being accused of trying to kill. Brenion immediately rolled his eyes back as he spotted Alvin all bandaged up as if he had been in some great battle, “Really?” he mouthed to no one in particular but glaring the direction of the accusers.

  Brenion and Liana were shown to another table on the right, and an extra chair was brought up for Ari to sit behind them, although he was apparently not permitted to take any part in the proceedings. The doors to the room were slammed shut, and two soldiers took up positions in front of them as if they expected someone to try and make a break for it. Sat in a small group were other people from Insgarth, a few who had managed to gain entry from downstairs and the rest ex-council members, who had also apparently taken an interest in what had happened. Again these were permitted only as an audience, and to
oversee that justice was being carried out.

  The man sitting direct centre at the long table stood and after picking up a small wooden hammer, banged it down twice onto a wooden block to call everyone to order. As the second hit echoed around the room, the chatter and whispering ceased, and the man cleared his throat before speaking.

  “We are gathered here today to oversee a case of great importance. With several charges being brought against the girl known as Liana, all of which we shall hear in due course. Furthermore, I also propose to bring charges against Brenion for obstruction, harbouring a criminal, bringing a criminal into our city, and assisting in the crimes being brought against the accused.”

  There were immediately several gasps as talking broke out among those watching, all seated in the far corner. The High Councilor had to bang down the hammer several more times to call the room to order once more as he gestured for the man next to him to begin. A young man, one who Brenion only knew by appearance slowly shoved his chair back on got to his feet, before glancing down at the table at several pieces of parchment.

  “I shall be acting for the defence,” he said announcing his intention to the room. The man, the other side of the High Councillor, then stood and announced he was going to be asking questions for the prosecution. This was a person Brenion knew well and not a man he particularly liked after they had been involved in previous altercations. An elderly gent by the name of Stanick, who had originally opposed allowing Oscar to live in the city, and one who had caused no end of trouble for Brenion and his family since.