The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3) Read online

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  Taking the Caldronian capital had been a much shorter affair than he had envisaged, mainly due to the opposing king surrendering just as it was getting interesting. However, during the attack he had lost far more troops than he had hoped, with a good many of his precious sorcerers amongst them. As these were the key part to any army, Oribe would have to now wait for suitable replacements to be transported from his own guild, before he could plan any major offensive against Farasavia. Despite his diminished numbers, his forces were still strong, and as a result meant that at least smaller scale attacks could be made.

  Chapter 7.

  Despite being given some horses during their first stop off at Barnham, there had not been enough for everybody. Two of the creatures were farm horses and not really built for speed, more brute strength for pulling farm equipment. These much larger horses had to carry two people, whilst Jon had to make do with a small pony, which was actually quite nifty for its size.

  Provisions had been collected at two other villages and at each they had all been made very welcome. However, news as to what had actually happened was a little thin on the ground, with the general consensus being that the capital Surmont had indeed fallen. Naturally this had caused the young prince to become upset, but as a group they had rallied around him; something Leo felt good about.

  The further they travelled from Surmont, the nearer they ultimately came to the border with Arandor. Once there, they would be on their own, having to buy supplies as when needed. They were travelling all the way to the capital of their neighbour, not even sure that they would be welcomed. Leo did not even know what the place was called, although Kellan felt it his ongoing duty to educate him.

  Their destination was the city of Dornby. Apparently it was also sometimes called the White City, due to the fact it’s outer walls were built from the local white coloured stone. Thankfully for the group, Dornby was situated on Arandor’s eastern side, just a day or two’s ride from the border with Caldronia. Had the city been on Arandor’s western side, they could have found themselves travelling for a considerably longer time than they actually would.

  The current ruler was, as Leo had remembered, an elderly woman called Queen Alesindra. Kellan explained as they trotted the horse they were forced to share, that the next in succession would not however be a son or daughter, but a grandson. Leo thought he recalled someone mentioning it to him before, but let the young prince explain anyway.

  With Leo’s somewhat limited riding experience, and the prince seemingly fine in sharing, the two had spent the last couple of days riding on the same mount. Although Leo would have preferred his own horse, he actually did not mind letting the younger, although more experienced rider, take the reins. Not only did it mean he could let his mind wander, but it also gave him chance to view the surrounding countryside. This part of Caldronia had clearly remained largely unaffected by all the troubles, much to all of their relief. Most of the small villages and farmsteads they passed by seemed almost oblivious to the fact the country was in fact hanging on to its very existence.

  A few of the places had even stood staring at the group as they had ridden through. Leo wondered if any of them actually knew that the boy he was sharing a horse with was in fact none other than the crown prince of Caldronia. As was the norm, it was the black robes of the sorcerers that seemed to draw most people’s attention, and Leo recalled the first time he had seen one. With the hoods up covering their faces, they were always considered mysterious people; ones not usually to be messed with. With the group as it was having four robed as such, it was hardly surprising a few of the locals seemed wary of them.

  Leo had thought it a little odd at just how down to earth the young prince actually was. The king as he knew only too well, always spoke to you in a way that made you feel he was the one in charge. Kellan, surprisingly seemed like any other young lad. With his tenth birthday apparently a couple of months away, the group had even managed a stop off to purchase a small gift, as they may not get another opportunity to do so. Keeping the present a secret was a little more difficult; For one so young Kellan certainly never missed anything, always alert to what those around him were doing.

  Jon led the group, riding atop the pony he had been given. The young ranger often disappeared off over the next hill or around the next corner, before always coming back and reporting his findings to Leo. As the one apparently expected to be in charge, he was supposed to act on the information given to him. Fortunately, at least thus far, each report Jon gave was to tell him the coast was clear, or they were approaching another town or village.

  As they passed over a wide but quite shallow flow of water, it was hardly surprising none apart from Alec knew the significance of what they had just done. “We are now officially in Arandor!” he shouted out to the others. “Really?” Leo uttered. He was not sure what to expect where one country adjoined another, but just crossing the shallow river had not been on the list of possibilities. “The border town of Affleton should just be over the next brow, a mile or two on,” Alec told them just checking his map. Without even being asked to do so, Jon once more scurried off on his pony, moving ahead of the others to check that indeed was the case.

  Within a few minutes the lad came scurrying back into view, but waited on the brow of the hill for them to catch up. “There is a large town ahead Sir,” he said to Leo. “Your Highness,” he added dipping his head slightly as he caught the prince looking at him. As this was their first visit to any populated area in another country none of them were actually quite sure what to do. The black robes of the guild would carry no weight here, nor indeed would the fact that they had a prince with them, especially when he was dressed deliberately not to look like one.

  Alec trotted his horse over to Leo, “Perhaps we should just hold up a moment and think of what we should do.” Leo nodded, always willing to let Alec take control if the offer was there. “Okay everyone let’s just talk through what we’re going to do,” Leo shouted to the group. Without hesitation they all moved their horses closer together, although it did mean Leo and Kellan, along with Chad and Sara who were also sharing a horse, sat a little higher than the others. Jon, who was sat on the smallest mount of them all, actually stood up in his stirrups just to make himself at least appear bigger.

  As the group all looked towards Leo for instruction, he realised he did not actually have any clue as what he should say. “Right, Alec,” he started, “What are we going to do?” he added passing the onus onto his friend. Fortunately for Leo, Alec did not seem to mind and already had an idea on what they would do. He suggested they stick together and seek out accommodation for the whole group. “We have sufficient coin for us to have rooms and a meal. I think it would be safer for Kellan if we stay the night in a town as opposed camping out in a foreign country.” Leo nodded and agreed with his friend, and re-emphasised the point about staying together.

  Their approach had not gone unnoticed and by the time they arrived at the large wooden gates leading into the town, several soldiers were stood waiting for them. “I can only assume they’ve spotted the black robes,” Alec suggested as he noted the men lined up across the entrance barring their way.

  “You are a long way from home!” said a large built man with a sword hanging at his side. Leo noticed how the man kept one hand on the pommel of his sword as he looked up walking around them. The soldier then made a beeline for him, “You are a King’s Sorcerer? Will you not reveal your face?”

  “Do as he asks Leo,” Kellan whispered turning his head just slightly.

  Leo did as the prince requested, revealing his young face for all to see. The soldier made a scoffing sound, “You seem a little young to be a King’s Sorcerer, and yet here you are wearing the robes,” he said giving him a stern look. Leo held the man’s gaze, “We are a very select group,” he eventually replied.

  “And these others. May I see their faces also?”

  This time it was Leo who nodded it was okay for Chad, Beth and Anden to do as the man
asked. “Ah! More children. I thought the guild in Caldronia took older members, you all seem a little young to be riding off into foreign lands by yourselves,” the man uttered to no one person in particular. His gaze then turned to the only ranger of the group, before finally turning to the young lad sharing a horse with Leo. Whether it was the different clothes or some other kind of recognition, but Leo could tell the man knew Kellan was no ordinary child.

  Feeling his heartbeat quickening, Leo prepared himself for trouble, ready to utilise the powers at his disposal if the need arose. “Keep calm young sorcerer, I mean you no harm,” the soldier said sensing the change in demeanour. “I am just trying to work out why a bunch of youngsters from Caldronia is journeying across Arandorian lands.”

  Without any further questions it appeared the soldier in charge had made a decision, as he called for the other soldiers to move aside, “Let them through. I will show them where to go.” With the guards moved aside, the soldier slowly walked ahead and gestured for the group to move on through the open gates and into the town of Affleton. Once all inside and out of earshot from others, the man stopped and turned to face them, “My name is Farley, and I assume that young man there is none other than Prince Kellan.”

  Leo immediately lifted a hand ready to strike, but the man made no aggressive move towards them. “Relax…I told you I mean you no harm. As a matter of fact, I can help you if you wish?” Leo looked quickly at Alec as if to try and judge what he was thinking, before giving any kind of reply. “Why would you help us?” he asked still keeping a very watchful eye om the man. “I’ve heard rumours Surmont has been invaded by the Belarians. I can only assume you lot have been quickly ushered out of the city with the prince. Perhaps to seek safety in Arandor?”

  Leo paused a while, digesting what had been said. This Farley, may have looked just like any normal soldier, but he had to admit he was certainly as sharp as a tack. “I assume you are heading to Dornby to seek audience with our Queen?” Realising it was no use pretending otherwise, Leo nodded to the affirmative. “By all accounts she is unwell. I fear you may be making a wasteful trip.”

  “She has already declined to help!” Kellan suddenly piped up. “However my father thinks I would at least be safer there,” he added finally confirming his identity.

  Farley nodded, “I am heading back there tomorrow. If you wish I can travel with you and show you the way.”

  “I am sure we can find our own way,” Alec piped up as if the man was doubting his map reading skills. Farley held his hands up defensively, “I meant no offence. I can also get you into the palace, although whether the queen will see you or not I cannot guarantee.”

  “Very well Farley, we accept your assistance,” Kellan said answering for the group as a whole.

  The soldier nodded, and enquired where they would be staying. When Leo explained they would probably seek out a tavern or inn, Farley suggested they stay clear of a couple of them. “Your best bet would be that place over there,” he said pointing a little further up the street. “It’s not cheap though.”

  “Price is not a problem, so long as it is suitable for our needs,” Alec interrupted him, clearly taking an instant disliking to the man.

  “I know the owner, come on I’ll see if we can get you sorted,” the soldier added gesturing for them to follow.

  Leo thought so much for him being the one in charge, the first occasion any of them needed to make a decision and it was made for him. Not that having Kellan make it was a bad thing, he was the crown prince after all. As to whether they could trust this Farley he was unsure, but first impressions were that the man seemed genuine enough. As to why the man would want to help them he was as yet unsure, and decided he would still keep a close eye on him just in case there was an ulterior motive.

  Farley, good to his word led them to the inn, and as promised bargained a good deal for them all to stay the night. Their odd mix of horses were duly stabled and cared for by a couple of stable hands who were of a similar age to themselves. Leo ensured he and Chad stayed very close to Kellan, asking Jon to take the lead as they entered the inn via the kitchen door. Marlo and Wilf as the largest two of their group had the thankless task of carrying all the baggage, after all Leo needed to be ready just in case, and could not possibly be laden down with packs.

  The inn itself was surprisingly clean although the unmistakeable smell of tobacco and ale hung in the air. They were all led up a narrow staircase and down a narrow dimly lit corridor before being shown into two adjoining rooms. Leo watched carefully as Farley seemed to spend far too long talking to the innkeeper and pointing at them for his liking, before Alec handed a small sum of money over. “I don’t trust him,” Leo mumbled under his breath.

  “I’m sure he is only trying to help,” Chad uttered in reply.

  Leo said nothing further, and instead decided to keep a watchful eye on the Arandorian soldier intent on helping them. Only when the man finally bade them farewell did Leo relax from his high state of alertness. The others all appeared unperturbed by Farley, Leo however, was sure the man was up to no good. After all, why would a complete stranger offer to aid them unless he had an ulterior motive for doing so.

  With them having to share rooms, they split in to two groups. Leo made sure he and Chad were with Kellan, as well as Jon and Alec. He didn’t really know the others too well as of yet, and decided to trust the people he knew best, not that any of the others had given him reason to doubt them. The rooms were simple affairs, with a row of single beds spaced out around the room, a single washstand in one corner and a table with chairs around it at the centre.

  Happy the others were settled in their room, he focused on those sharing his. Kellan was naturally given the choice of beds, although it was clear the young prince was not really fussed. Their packs were placed underneath them, all apart from one, which Alec said he needed. Leo was one who was not going to let the opportunity of a wash pass him by, and was first to make use of the facilities. After picking a soft white towel from the pile aside the washstand, he gestured for Jon to stand a little nearer.

  “I need you to keep a watchful eye out. I do not trust that Farley.”

  “Seemed fine to me, but I’ll go have a sneak about after dinner if you like,” Jon replied not sharing Leo’s view.

  “Thanks. I’ll stay with the prince whilst you’re out...Oh and Jon…Just be careful,” he added.

  The meal they were given was served up in their rooms, and although quite tasty was only served in small portions, much to Leo’s disappointment. After again checking those in the other room were all fine, he returned to his own, noticing Jon sneaking off down the corridor. Knowing the lad would sensibly keep out of trouble he felt relaxed as he sat on the edge of his bed. Alec was sat at the table looking at the map he kept folded up in his pocket, whilst making notes on a small notepad. “I think if we leave early enough we should make Dornby by tomorrow afternoon,” he told the others.

  Leo was just preparing for bed when Jon returned to their room. The young ranger immediately headed over and sat down on the bed beside him, “What did you find out?” Leo asked in a low whisper.

  “Nothing much really. I followed Farley back to what looked like a barracks, where he stood talking for a while.”

  “Hmm probably planning something,” Leo mumbled thinking aloud.

  “Then I followed him to some stables where he chatted with another man.

  “Probably up to no good,” Leo added.

  Even though Jon thought that this Farley character had done nothing out of the ordinary, Leo seemed even more convinced the man was up to something. “Nobody just drops everything to help people they have never met before,” he explained to the rather bemused looking ranger. “And tell me this…How is it he knew one of us was the prince? A boy he had never met before…No mark my words Jon, we need to be alert,” he added stifling a yawn. The young ranger rolled his eyes back and shook his head a little, before jumping up and heading for his own bed.
/>   Chapter 8.

  Leo slept surprisingly well considering he was so focused on remaining awake, sure that someone would likely try sneaking into their room during the night. Fortunately for him, Jon and Chad had taken it in turns to keep a watchful eye, although none had anything of note to tell him.

  Just as the meal the previous evening had been brought up to the room, so too was breakfast. This consisted of a thick porridge and some toasted bread, with a large pot of sweetened tea to share between them. They were just finishing off their food when a knock came at the door, and Leo quickly went on the defensive. After making sure he stood in front of the prince, he asked Jon to open the door.

  The man stood in the opening was none other than the man Farley. “Are you all ready? Your friends are waiting down in the stable yard for you,” he added. Leo felt a little annoyed the others had gone ahead without those from his room, in contradiction to his request about staying close together. “What have you done with them?” he found himself asking, sure Farley was up to no good. The man chuckled, “Nothing…Come on we are waiting for you,” he added before walking off back down the corridor.