The Apprentice Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild Read online

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  The main street inside the walls was stone cobbled, and surprisingly clean. "We try to keep the entire area as welcoming and homely as we can," Kian told them. To continue to the centre would take them to the palace, but only the wagon carrying the new members training for the Palace household continued that direction. They however, turned left, and the streets here were lined with trees, now in bud. Early spring flowers were already in bloom, in what Leo could only describe as immaculately kept gardens, that ran parallel to the tree line.

  The entrance gates to the Guild of Masters were a huge wrought iron affair. Painted black with elaborate gold scrolling, they were already open as they approached. The gardens and pathways were just as well kept inside the guild grounds, and the buildings were also something to behold. The wagon pulled up just behind the others, all carrying the new apprentices, all about to enter into their new lives.

  Kian climbed down first, before holding his hand out for Mia to follow, and the boys then stepped down after her, with Leo bringing up the rear. Across the way, he could see the other Masters gesturing for their larger intakes to group together. Kian first pointed out the different buildings, before leading them up the wide steps of the main entrance. Two stone statues stood either side of the large double doorway, and the doors themselves were black with highly polished brass handles.

  Inside the doorway, they were wowed by a massive and quite eloquent foyer, with white marble flooring and fresco ceiling, Kian first showed them the statues. Each had been painstakingly carved depicting one of the six different factions. Leo looked up at the large depiction of the sorcerer, with its hands held outwards as if casting some kind of magical spell; wondering would he really be able to do magic?

  With little time to hang around, Kian explained which corridor went where. The main staircase at the centre went directly to the second, third and fourth floors, and all the Master's offices and private studies were on the second floor, with quarters and dorms being located on the top two floors. All the student classrooms and practice areas were on the ground floor, and could be found by following the designated corridor from the foyer.

  Just off to the left of the stairway stood another set of doors, and although quite sizeable, they were by no means anything like the entrance ones they had just passed through. Beyond those doors was the corridor to the dining hall and kitchens. "Firstly though, I shall show you to your dorms. Then we can go to the stores to get you all some clothes," Kian told them leading off up the elegant stairway, giving little time for any of them to take in their new surroundings.

  With all the new intakes moving in through the main doors, and the existing apprentices showing interest at all the new faces, the place was a hive of activity. On the first floor, the landing area opened out to several more corridors, and Kian did warn them that they would likely get a little lost to start with. After noticing the other new group of Sorcerer intakes, being led to the dorm, Kian decided to take them to the stores first.

  They all followed obediently down one of the corridors, and Leo looked down to see the floor was carpeted down the centre, yet had polished timber at the edges. The walls were plain white, but hundreds of pictures and paintings hung along the route, adding bursts of colour. Leo breathed in deeply, thinking even the air smelled clean, and after a few turns this way and that, they were led into a large room.

  Once inside, a serving counter ran from one end to the other, and behind that stood tall racks, filled to bursting with robes, boots and just about every other thing a young apprentice might need. Leo removed his scruffy looking boots, and after judging the size, the man behind the counter handed him two new pairs. Made from leather, they were black and polished to a shine, the like of which he had never thought possible. He was also given several more robes, a pile of underclothes, towels, wash kit and writing supplies. So much in fact that his arms were full, and he was certain he would drop most of it.

  Once the group had collected their relevant supplies, Kian marched them back down the corridor towards the dorms. All now fully laden, they struggled to see where they were going, although only Mason dropped anything, but Kian kindly picked it up for him, before they all eventually emerged at the place they would now be calling home.

  There was a common room area, with soft cushioned seating as well as tables and chairs for studying at. There was a large stone fireplace along the one wall, although it was currently unlit. Spring months were usually warm, and the weather was currently just that. Off the common room was another set of doors leading to the dorm areas, to which Kian led them.

  Inside there, were rows of beds. Each neatly made with a white sheet folding over the top of the blankets. Each had a fluffy white pillow at one end, and beside each bed was a small table and lamp one side, and a large cupboard the other. Kian told them to pick a bed, although some were already allocated and in use, as all first and second year sorcery apprentices stayed in this room, whereas third year students had their own, whilst Masters had their own suites.

  Leo waited to see where the rest of his little group headed and followed quickly, and after looking about uncertain as to where was best, he eventually dropped his stuff on a bed between Mia and Mason, with Corey placing his gear the other side of Mia; It appeared the group wanted to stay close knit. Leo opened his cupboard and placed his new robes inside, hanging them neatly within, before placing his other items tidily on the shelves provided. He removed his old boots and threw them under his bed, not quite sure where else to put them. After sitting on the soft mattress, he pulled his new black shiny boots on, before standing and stamping his feet down, pleased with the fit.

  After giving them all ten minutes to sort out their gear, Kian suggested he show them the dining hall, but just as they were about to leave their dorm, the other group of new arrivals entered all carrying their new gear. Kian thought it as good a time as any for the two new groups to meet. After letting them unburden their loads, he decided it was time for further introductions. "This is Master Trenton Booth," He told them gesturing to a much older man. Being quite short, with wispy grey hair, Trenton smiled before greeting them all. The two groups looked at each other, clearly uncertain, and surprisingly it was Leo, revelling in his new found confidence, who stepped forward and bid them hello, proffering his hand to each in turn. With the ice broken the others followed suit, although the two groups still looked at each other, perhaps still uncertain. Leo thought if he was a little unsure, then he assumed the others were probably feeling the same, it was after all a big change for all of them.

  Chapter 3.

  Kian's group and Trenton's finished their introductions, before all heading down to the dining hall together as one combined group. They were all sorcery apprentices after all, and with the other group being made up of two girls and three other boys, Amber, Alexa, Ben, Ewan and Jake, they now numbered nine. All wearing their black robes, but with their hoods down, they descended the staircase back down to the foyer.

  They entered the doorway and strolled down the corridor, which opened out to a very large room. There were rows upon rows of tables, a number of which were already occupied. There were various groups, wearing the robes of other classes, as well as several dressed in warrior and the strange looking ranger gear, before Kian suggested they find a large table and all sit together.

  Leo sat down and was a little shocked that Mia positioned herself beside him. He was surprised as three of the many serving staff that seemed to be effortlessly moving from table to table, started placing down plates and cutlery. "What do we have this evening?" Kian asked one of the women.

  "You have choice of Fish, boiled vegetables and a creamy sauce, or Pork with roasted vegetables Sir," she replied.

  No sooner was Leo pondering on which choice to make, when two large platters were placed down before them. He was actually glad the pork was placed nearer to him, as he thought that sounded quite nice.

  "Which are you having Leo," Mia whispered to him.

  "The pork I thin
k," he replied.

  "Yes, I think I will too," she said picking up the serving utensils. "Here, let me," she added placing the first serving on his plate, rather than her own.

  "Thank you," he said, surprised at her kindness.

  Corey had sat himself opposite Leo, not because he wanted to sit near him, but because it was more to do with the fact one of the other female members of their amalgamated group was positioned there. Her name was Amber, and she had long fair hair, big blue eyes and a warming smile. Corey asked Amber the same question as Mia had asked Leo, and once she had replied she was having fish, he imitated Mia's actions in serving her food for her.

  Further down the table Kian watched on, and rolled his eyes back and shook his head smiling, 'Teenagers' he thought. He was pleased though that the two groups appeared to be mixing well, as occasionally, the new apprentices did not always see eye to eye. This group however, appeared to be bonding quite well, although he just did not want them getting to know each other too well, as that also tended to cause its own problems.

  As they ate, Corey shamelessly flirted his way through the meal, and although Amber naturally played hard to get, it was clear to everybody she was lapping up the attention. Leo thought the food was quite exquisite, and after spending years eating leftovers and scraps, he could not remember a better meal. The chatter amongst the group was always polite, and he could already feel his self-confidence returning and a purpose in life he thought he would never get.

  He managed to finish his meal, although the last few mouthfuls were a struggle, and could not recall ever feeling so full. Not only had Mia piled his portions high, she also added seconds to his plate as well. He was a little uncertain as to why she was treating him differently to the others, although he had to admit, it was nice somebody like her, showed an interest in him.

  After the plates were taken away, two further trays were placed before them. There was a large coffee pot, and cups on one, and a whole array of biscuits on the other. Leo was not sure he could eat anything else, but thought the biscuits looked too nice to pass up and the aromatic smell of the coffee was also quite enticing. He once more waited for others to help themselves before taking one. "Would you like me to pour?" Mia asked him with a cheeky smile, as Leo nodded and returned the look, "Thank you."

  After their meal, Trenton left them for other business, and Kian offered to walk the group around the grounds, to help them get their bearings. After the short trip down the corridor and through the foyer, they all ventured out of the main doors and back outside. The sun was low in the sky casting long shadows over the immaculately kept gardens, and although the evening was still warm, there was a fresh breeze picking up. They strolled at a gentle pace as the young Master pointed out the various buildings as they went.

  After their tour, Kian suggested they rest for the remainder of the evening, as tomorrow they would all start their first lessons in magic. Having taken their Master’s advice, the group all ventured back inside and up the stairs, where Leo relaxed in the common room, sitting on one of the cushioned chairs. He closed his eyes taking a long slow breath, as he pondered on the events of the day. His stomach still felt full to bursting, he felt clean and smart, but best of all, he felt happy.

  Bedtime proved a little more problematic than any of them had thought, as undressing in front of total strangers was one thing, undressing in front of the opposite gender quite something else. However, after the initial awkwardness of it all, they all settled down. Leo, more used to an uncomfortable bed, felt his entire body sink into the soft mattress, as he drifted off into a deep fulfilling sleep.

  After a good night's rest, and a good hearty breakfast in the dining hall, Leo and his new friends made their way for their first lesson. He was not the only one to feel nervous, as the talk amongst the group considered on just what they would learn first.

  "It will be something simple," Mia said.

  "Nah! It will be shielding, I reckon," Corey added.

  "Would it not be teaching us how to find our magic power first," Leo said, not quite sure anybody would listen to his opinion.

  Mia gave him a smile, "Of course...," she said. "Pfft shields," she scoffed.

  "What? You said it would be something else as well..." Corey pleaded. Realising he was not getting the better of her, he just shrugged, "Women..." he mumbled.

  The others just laughed.

  As they waited outside the room they had been designated, the chatter continued, though silence quickly fell as they watched a black robed figure moving slowly towards them. A tall thin woman in her later years, with a thin gaunt face stopped beside them. She looked at the group, before waving her hand, as the door appeared to open itself and she gestured for the group to enter.

  They quietly moved on inside and sat along the long bench that arced across the room, as the woman moved to the front and waited for them to settle.

  "Good Morning, I am Master Ayleen Whyte," she said in a much deeper voice than would normally be associated with a woman, before the group replied with a rather poorly mumbled "Morning Ma'am."

  They all watched anxiously as she looked at each new face individually. When she looked at Leo, he got the impression he was being judged in some way, so he decided to give her a smile, but her gaze had already moved on to Mia seated beside him. Once she had looked at each she placed her hands on hips, nodding satisfactory to herself. "We seem to have a very gifted bunch," she said. "You all have a good element of energy within you. Now we need to show you how to access it." Leo felt Mia nudge his leg under the bench, as if to say he was right.

  The Master asked that when they spoke to her in class they did so in a much less formal manner. "I am happy for you all to call me Ayleen, we are after all but one big family," she added with a grin. She did request when out of the classroom however, they did revert to the formality of her position.

  Without further ado, Ayleen held out her hand, and a small globe of energy appeared in her palm. It glowed and pulsated just slightly, as Leo gasped, although he was not the only one to do so. "This is what you must find," she told them. Apparently, they all had this power source within them, firstly they needed to find it, and then learn how to use it. She asked them all to close their eyes, and to clear their mind of distraction and concentrate. "Search your body for the power, you know what it looks like," she added.

  Mia was first to find it, letting everyone else know by her sudden burst of excitement. "Well done," Ayleen said praising her. The others all followed, until only Leo was left, and the more he realised he was the only one yet to find his power source, the more nervous he became. He found it near impossible to concentrate, "I am sorry I cannot," he said finally giving up. The rest of the group all looked his direction, and then at the woman stood at the front of the room.

  Ayleen let the globe of power in her palm disperse away, before stepping over to Leo. "Not to worry," she said calmly, "Perhaps I can help." She placed her thin bony hand on Leo's forehead, and closed her own eyes. There was a short silence before Ayleen let out a gasp, "Oh my," she said.

  "I don't have any power do I?" Leo added, knowing all this had been too good to be true. The reason he could not find his own power source, was clearly, that he did not have one.

  "Quite the opposite," Ayleen told him.

  She explained her thoughts aloud to the class. The probable reason behind Leo not finding the small globe of energy, was because, his was substantially larger. She told him to just close his eyes once more, and to forget the others in the room, and clear his mind again. She placed both her hands on his temples, and rather than search for the small source of power as she had originally asked, she guided his thoughts to a much greater power. Leo felt a strange force pulling him to a part of his conscience that felt foreign to him, and to his relief, there he found what Ayleen was trying to guide him too.

  This was not a small globe of power as she had shown the class, this was just a mass of raw energy. There was no shape as such, and had he not bee
n shown the way, he doubted he would have ever known it was there. He opened his eyes again and smiled at Mia who was still staring at him. His grin told her that he had found what he needed to and she patted his hand with hers. Ayleen, happy each of her young apprentices had the source of their power, now needed to explain how to access it.

  She described the pool of magic similar to a mother's milk, in that as long as it was being used, it would keep regenerating. Although she also warned, that drink too deep too quickly and it will empty, leaving them powerless until their bodies had time to recover. Different kinds of magic required various amounts of their precious energy, but for now, they were just going to use the merest of trickles to practice using it.

  She asked them once more to locate their source of power, and now Leo knew where to look, and what he was looking for, he was relieved to find it straight away. Next, Ayleen asked them to imagine taking a thread of that power and running it down to their hand. "Think you are pulling a piece of very thin cotton from a reel," she told them, always watching.