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Reign of the Dark Elves: Book One : The Sorcerer Page 17

  “I see nothing,” Liana eventually said just going over the same area several times to make sure she hadn’t missed anything.

  Ari watched on as several bodies of Dark Elven soldiers were unceremoniously dumped in a pile, though not before being stripped of their weapons and anything else on their person that might be useful. Although the humans in Insgarth had their own weaponsmiths, making the swords, shields, daggers, spears and bows that were needed to equip their army, any chance they had of picking up a few enemy weapons was never refused. With the reserve also being called out, and possibly volunteers as well, they may need to make use of every weapon they had. Swords especially were time-consuming things to make and having half a dozen handed to you certainly made a big difference.

  The charred corpses of the wraiths and the couple of Elves that had been unfortunate enough to have been posted next to them were also carried through the open gate and piled next to their fallen comrades. Ari, wanting to take a closer look poked one of the strange little beasts with the toe of his boot as if just checking it was dead. The outer skin, blackened by the intense heat of the fire merely crumbled away as a thick black ooze seeped out of the opening he had just created. Quickly regretting his decision, Ari pulled his foot back before any of it trickled out onto his boot. Somebody behind placing a hand on his shoulder startled him somewhat, causing him to jump a little, “Calm down!” said the familiar deep voice of Lenic standing behind him.

  Ari glanced over his shoulder to see the much larger man also looking down at the wraith. “First time I’ve actually seen one,” Lenic said surprising him somewhat. “But I hear you killed one before,” he added.

  Ari nodded, that was true.

  “Must have taken quite some skill to track one and slay it.”

  Ari hadn’t really thought much about it, in truth all he had done was just remain some distance back from Brenion and Liana.

  “I think you over-estimate the part I played,” Ari said with a smile. “In truth, if it were not for Liana we wouldn’t have even known it was there when we did.”

  Lenic chuckled patting him on the shoulder before guiding him away from the bodies for a little chat.

  Chapter 20.

  Drakon was somewhat annoyed that his move back to the tunnel entrance had taken far longer than he had wanted. While he had originally planned on bringing the human contingent from Crendon with him, their progress had been so slow he had been forced to send them back. Those humans who were coerced to fight for their Elven Masters may have been adequately armed, but none were afforded darters or horses. Hence having rounded up the entire garrison at Crendon, and the remainder of his own soldiers that had travelled with him from Gashek, Drakon had set out at speed. However, as the humans were travelling by foot, it was very soon abundantly clear that if he travelled at their pace, it would take a least another day to get back to where he needed to be. Thinking the human soldiers based at Crendon would probably not be capable of swinging the tide of any battle anyway, Drakon had duly turned them about and ordered them back to the outpost. Being as he felt he could not trust them alone, he also spared just three Dark Elven soldiers, those he deemed a little long in the tooth, to accompany them.

  Feeling both mentally and physically tired, Drakon and his soldiers pressed on during the hours of darkness, stopping only for a few hours to rest and eat. Knowing there was little he could do until the morning hours anyway, the Commander had reluctantly called a halt. At least having a small rest allowed the troops to have a little sleep and take onboard some refreshments, all of which could only help for what lay ahead. With the sky slowly lightening and dawn just a short time away, Drakon wanted his soldiers in position as soon as possible. This was going to be his own personal, defining moment, and one that would see him go down in Elven history as the one who finally discovered and defeated the last human stronghold.

  Liana and Ari had been afforded a little rest, although had to take their turn as all the other soldiers at the gate had to do. Blankets and refreshments were brought out from the city to try and help make the chilly night a more comfortable one as they waited for the inevitable Dark Elven army. Although having sent scouts out to see what the enemy was up to, they had returned several hours earlier just confirming what they had expected. Now it was just a case of waiting, and trying to rest, or at least the best any one of the could do in the situation.

  Despite having a bowl of hot soup, Liana had found cuddling up to Ari, a much better way of keeping warm. While getting used to the warm bed that they had been sharing at Brenion’s house, both were fully accustomed to the less than favourable conditions in sleeping outside. Unfortunately, they appeared few in number, as it was clear from those trying to sleep around them were not quite so used to the discomfort. Being as they were close to the entrance tunnel, and despite the fact the wall would have probably obscured them, no fires were permitted. Liana’s sleep was abruptly ended when Osrik came over to where she and Ari were lying and started shaking her to get up. After taking a few seconds to get her bearings and figure out who was waking her, Liana sat up, meaning Ari had no option but to do likewise.

  Osrik allowed her a few moments before gesturing for her to follow him back towards the gate area, before explaining what he wanted her to do.

  “Your ability to sense others is something quite extraordinary Liana,” he said indicating for them to go up the stone steps and on to the battlements for the first time. Ari, duly followed behind and was quite surprised at how many soldiers were actually already in position. However, he also so noticed how they were all sat crouched down behind the battlements, something he thought perhaps Osrik and Liana should probably be doing.

  “Hopefully from this elevated position we might be able to get an idea of how far away the enemy is,” Osrik said, stopping suddenly and turning to face Liana. Although neither could see beyond the rocks that gave Insgarth its protective barrier, Liana knew that her tutor was asking her to use her magical skills to look as opposed to her eyes. Liana smiled, not only because she was happy to oblige but because more importantly, it was also a sign that Osrik had faith in her abilities Moreover, he also trusted her enough to work alongside her, treating her as an equal rather than just some silly girl who had an ability to do something different.

  Standing beside the man tasked with enhancing her magical skills, Liana closed her eyes and let her senses move outwards from her position. With the darkness of the night slowly fading away welcoming the first of the morning light, Liana sensed nothing of note. The area around the other side of the tunnel was vacant of any life, and there was certainly no army of Dark Elves amassing, at least not yet. Osrik nodded and confirmed the same, and happy the local area at least was still clear, suggested to Liana they try something else.

  Liana felt a little awkward as Osrik clasped her hand, and was unsure as to how Ari, just standing behind would feel about it. Linked together they were supposedly able to see much further afield, although the situation made it difficult for Liana to concentrate. Unsure as to what it was she was actually doing, Liana let Osrik take control, and felt a strange kind of tingling in her hand and up her arm. Her own vision seemed even less than usual, barely a few a paces away from her own body, and she was about to assume whatever it was that Osrik was trying to do wasn’t working as it should. However, before she could say anything the man next to her suddenly let go of her hand, “They’re coming!” he said.

  “Who is?” she asked, before realising what a dumb question that actually was.

  Osrik though either did not hear the question or ignored it as he darted off down the stone steps, leaving Liana and Ari behind.

  Ari glanced over towards Liana, before suggesting they should probably move down from the top of the wall. Feeling somewhat a spare part of what was clearly a very select group, Ari’s feelings of jealousy were once more thrust to the fore. Sure he may have been allocated to be Liana’s protector, but seeing her so close to the other magicians still made him
feel somewhat left out. He realised as he slowly took the stones steps back down to ground level, that was the way it was going to be. If he and Liana were to remain together, she was always going to be part of something he could never be. Either this was something he had to except now or their relationship was never going to last.

  Liana felt her hand being clasped by Ari as he stepped up beside her, causing her to look over and smile his direction. Osrik was hurriedly explaining they needed to prepare, and she overheard him saying they that the Dark Elves were no more than about five minutes away. How far Osrik had been able to sense while joining his powers to her own, she was unsure, but thought it must have been some considerable distance. However, with the enemy only a few minutes away from the tunnel entrance, Liana suddenly felt panicked and was glad of Ari’s comforting hand. The thought that the future of all humans could be defined by what happened in the next hour was certainly a humbling thought. Defeat here and now would surely mean nothing more than a bleak future for a race already subjugated and on its knees.

  Drakon pulled up just a short way from where he had found the mysterious tunnel leading to an area of unexplored land. Rather than rush headlong on through the tunnel, he decided to send forward a couple of scouts to get the latest reports from those he had left to watch the entrance. At least managing some rest while on the route, Drakon felt revitalised further at the thought of what might be ahead. The Commander looked over his shoulder at his small army of Elven riders and afforded a smile, one that mirrored the confidence he felt at that moment.

  After waiting somewhat impatiently for his two scouts to return, he was somewhat baffled by the news they gave.

  “What do you mean, there is nobody there?” He snapped.

  “What we said, Sir. No soldiers, no wraiths…Nothing! No signs of trouble, they are just gone,” the scout replied looking somewhat nervous, expecting some kind of backlash for delivering unwelcome news. However, Drakon merely indicated for the two scouts to fall back in to rank behind him, while he scratched at his long pointy chin, deep in thought.

  Drakon knew he needed to dampen any thoughts of doubt, especially in his soldiers. While all Dark Elves were trained to the very highest standard, he doubted many would have seen much action. Rumours of their comrades suddenly vanishing into thin air might make some of those behind him a little less sure about what might be ahead. While Drakon was aware, soldiers and wraiths could not simply disappear, without there being any sign of fighting he was sure that there must be some logical reason for them not being there. Perhaps they had managed to find a way through the gate and were already camped the other side of the wall? Drakon nodded to himself as if deciding that must be the reason. As if satisfying his own doubts, Drakon waved his army forward towards the tunnel entrance.

  Managing the short climb up the rocks to the entrance was no problem for a darter. The problem lay with getting so many soldiers through a tunnel that was only wide enough for two beasts at a time, and even that was tight. Drakon knew he needed to get as many of his soldiers through as quickly as possible, enabling him to have sufficient numbers the other side should anything untoward happen. Although sure he was right about there being nothing to worry about, Drakon allowed several others to make the journey through the tunnel before he did, giving them orders to take up defensive positions as soon as they were through. Those following behind were to scale the walls using the ropes and hooks they had brought with them from Crendon. Once over the top, these soldiers were then to clamber down the other side and open the gates that were barring their way, to allow the others through.

  With the early morning sun slowly casting its light upon the land, Drakon squinted his eyes as he sat upon his darter looking up at the wall surrounding him. There were no signs of any life, and after hearing the sound of a grappling hook hitting the stonework of the wall, he turned to see the first of his elves start making his way up the wall. With his heart beating faster, and the adrenaline pumping, he watched as another hook was secured up on to the battlements, and other elf started the climb up to the top. A third and forth quickly followed as Drakon looked around at the wall once more before casting his gaze down at the ground. Just dirt, trodden by darters and soldiers, but something caught his eye in the early half-light of the chilly morning.

  Confused as to what it was, Drakon leaned down from his darter for a closer look but was annoyed his view was no better. Ignoring everything around him, he quickly slid down from his mount and slipped down to see what the object was. After brushing aside a little of the dirt to reveal what lay there, he noticed it was an arrow tip, but not a type he had seen before. Drakon picked the object up and noticed something else on his fingertips, “Blood?” he mumbled to himself, confused as to how or why it was there.

  Before the penny dropped, Drakon heard a shout from somewhere to his left, and then all hell broke loose. Arrows seemed to pour down from the top of the wall, cutting his soldiers down as panic set in.

  “It’s a trap!” he heard someone shout to his right, as Drakon tried to make sense of what was going on. Pulling his sword free from its scabbard he could only watch as his darter slumped to the ground beside him, now with two white feathered arrows protruding from its flank. With little option on which way to go, Drakon shouted the order to retreat back towards the tunnel, although he did notice that some of his soldiers had managed to climb the wall where it joined the rock. As another arrow slammed down, landing just a few inches from his foot, Drakon hesitated no more, running for the tunnel entrance for cover.

  As three Dark Elves managed to climb up over the battlements on to the top of the wall, the first lashed out with his sword at the archer backing away, cutting him down. However, the fallen human was quickly replaced by several men carrying shields and holding their own swords. Any hope that the elves thought they might have had at gaining a foothold quickly vanished as those that had managed the climb up were themselves quickly, mercilessly and efficiently cut down.

  With so much going on, Liana and Ari were left at the foot of the wall, unsure as what they should be doing. As tempting as it was to climb up the stone steps to get a better view, Liana thought it was probably best she and Ari remained out of trouble. She did, however, see Osrik, Brenion and Egar up on the battlements and contemplated for a few moments as to whether she should follow them. Instead, Liana scurried around to the side a little so she could keep tabs on what the three magicians were doing, forcing Ari to follow in her steps. Almost bumping into several soldiers making their way around the foot of the wall, Liana caught sight of a flame soaring skywards, and knew instantly it must have come from Brenion but was being manipulated by Egar. Thinking their skills far better than those she had been gifted with, Liana struggled to see what was going on as the flame dropped out of her view.

  Brenion watched as Egar worked his magic, swinging the flame he had just created down near the entrance of the tunnel. Knowing this one piece of magic, just as it had the previous day, would likely tire the man out, any thoughts of sealing the tunnel would have to be forgotten. Egar would need to be fully rested to accomplish such a vast task as collapsing the only feasible way in and out of their lands, but the decision had been made, and all would have to suffer the consequences should their gamble not pay off.

  Drakon barged his way past several of his soldiers all heading the same way as himself. Stumbling over the bodies of the fallen, both darters and elves alike he got within a few yards of the tunnel but was forced to duck for cover. A ball of flame came crashing down right near the exit, and although he escaped the fires, Drakon could feel the intense heat burning the skin on his face. The soldier next to him glanced his direction with a look of shock, before slumping forward, face first into the dirt with an arrow protruding from his back. Not wishing a similar fate, Drakon crawled his way along, clambering over the dead to escape the fire that swirled like a tornado at the passageway. However, he had barely made it a few yards when he felt something hitting him in the back. F
eeling his body unable to move a searing pain overwhelmed him as his arms suddenly no longer had the strength to hold him. Falling face down on top of another body, Drakon, Commander of the Dark Elves took his last dying breath.

  Just as the Dark Elves left to guard the tunnel had been quickly overwhelmed, so was the much larger force. Trapped with nowhere to go, the elves made easy targets for the human soldiers lined all around the battlements above them. Catching them completely off-guard, they had lost half of their number before any of them really knew what was going on. Those that had tried to make a getaway had been barred from doing so to a twisting vortex of fire, and as the last elf slumped down amongst the dead, the order was given to cease fire.

  Chapter 21.

  The outpost in Crendon had a kind of surreal feeling to it. Although it was technically under control of the Dark Elves, it actually had far more humans posted there than those they were supposed to serve. While this was not in itself a problem for the Dark Elves, there was one amongst the human number who thought it a chance to rebel.

  Lofton, had been forced to endure unspeakable things since his selection during the reaping two years ago. Picked from his village and sent to Gashek he was deemed ‘a pretty boy’ and offered up to the Dark Elves as an item of their pleasure. Beaten and drugged to comply with his Masters, Lofton had hardened himself to the ordeal he was consistently put through. At first, he thought death would have been a better thing, but having seen other humans treated far worse, he had found a resolve that one day he would make the elves pay for what they had done.